Our school proudly supports the Queensland government's Every Day Counts initiative and is firmly committed to improving student attendance at school.
Bell times
Arrive at school: No earlier than 8.15am.
As students arrive in the morning, they are required to make their way to their year level holding areas and will be supervised by a staff member until 8:45am.
Morning bell: 8.45am
First session: 8.50am
Morning tea: 10.55am (20 minutes play break; 20 minutes eating)
Second session: 11.35am
Lunch: 1.20pm (10 minutes eating; 30 minutes play break)
Third session: 2.00pm
End of school: 3.00pm
The front gate will be opened a few minutes before the end-of-day bell. Parents will be asked to collect their children from the nearby waiting area.
We have school Assembly every Wednesday afternoon 2:10 - 2:50pm in the Hall. Prep - Year 2 and Year 3-6 have alternating Assembly weeks. Whole school Assemblies will be held throughout the term also. Parents and community members are invited to attend.
Office hours
Monday to Friday: 8.15am-3.30pm