Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at Bellmere State School.
Bellmere State School is an enrolment managed school. Families who wish to enrol their children at Bellmere State School and live in the catchment area are guaranteed a position.
To arrange an enrolment interview, please contact the school office on (07) 5498 0666 and speak to one of our administration officers, who will assist you in booking an appointment with our Principal or Deputy Principal.
At enrolment, a start date will be negotiated. Please note that in some cases, we will negotiate a start date 24-48 hours after enrolment so as to ensure the class teacher is ready with the information to ensure a successful start at Bellmere.
New students to the school must be wearing the school uniform before they begin as a student at Bellmere.
We look forward to meeting with you and beginning your child's Bellmere State School learning journey.