Prep Enrolments 2025 are now open!

Catchment area
Please check that your house is in our catchment area before proceeding with the enrolment process. You can check this by accessing the 'Enrolments – Catchment area' section of this website.
If you live outside the catchment, contact the school office for more information. Find out more about applications for out-of-catchment placements, as per
Education Queensland guidelines.
When can my child start school?
Enter your child's birthday into the calculator and it will reveal what year your child can start (Works only for Prep and Year 1).
Calculator - When can my child start school?
Parent enrolment information session
All Prep parents are encouraged to attend an enrolment information session. Dates to be advised along with further information from our enrolments officer. Bookings will be through the SOBS website. The link will be sent to you.
Prep exploration and transition sessions
Prep Exploration and Transition sessions are an opportunity for your child to become familiar with the school environment and staff and will engage in a variety of interesting and fun activities which may include Music, PE, a visit to the library and a Prep classroom visit! Sessions are scheduled across term 3 and 4.
Bookings are made through School Online Booking Systems (SOBS) with a link provided by the enrolments officer.
Prep Transition Sessions and Parent Readiness Term 4
- Wednesday 9 October
- Wednesday 30 October
- Wednesday 13 November
- Wednesday 27 November (Teddy Bear Picnic and meet your Prep teacher)
Two session times available for families to attend:
Session A: 8.45-9.30am
Session B: 9.45-10.30am
Kindergarten visits
If your child is in one of our surrounding kindergartens, keep any eye out for Bellmere State School staff paying a visit. We take the time to head into kindergartens and make our faces familiar, as well as provide opportunities for children to engage with our teachers to ask questions about school transitions and share stories on what school is all about. These visits also provide an opportunity for our staff to talk with Kindergarten teachers to ensure that your child's social / emotional and learning needs are met as they transition to school.
We look forward to establishing a partnership with you as your child embarks on their first formal year of schooling at Bellmere State School.
Enrolment application forms
Enrolment application forms are available from our office or from the links below. Please note that enrolment forms cannot be accepted unless all relevant paperwork and documents i.e. proof of residency and proof of birth etc. are presented. A parent checklist and introductory letter has been included to guide you through this process.
Information forms and documents
Forms to complete and return prior to interview
- Please ensure you complete this set of forms in full including emergency contact details, health issues, family issues, etc.
- N.B. We need to sight an original document of proof of birth - We do not retain a copy of this.;
Confirmation of your enrolment interviews are made once all enrolment documentation has been received and you have booked either through the links provided or through the office. You can submit the forms by filling them in, saving them and sending them to OR you can print after you have completed them and hand them into the office.
If your child has been given a Transition Statement by their current childcare provider / kindergarten, please bring it in to the office or scan and email it to:
Uniform shop fitting
The uniform shop will be operational during the final transition session and the Teddy Bear's Picnic. Dates will be advised by the enrolments officer.

Families with children under school age will be welcome to register for KindyLinQ. The program is available from 8:45-11:45 on each Tuesday of the school term.
Bellmere State School offers a Playgroup service for children birth to 5yrs that operates on Thursdays from 9:00 – 11:00am. Everyone is welcome and this is a great way to introduce your child to our school staff and environment.